Flame Sword M Rakhsaa Laksamana Putra: November 2016

Jumat, 11 November 2016

My Favoriate Indonesian Hero

So, you guys know Indonesia right? now, if you look in the history, Indonesia got raided by japan. one hero stands up. he is soekarno. he is the first indonesian president.

He stands up even netherland, england, Portuguese, and japan attacked his country. He is a strong hero, who unite indonesia into one. indonesia, once is divided into islands, like the picture below

But, because his bravery, he could unite into ONE from individual islands. even the famous person asked "how to destroy soekarno"
Thank you for reading, Bye!!


Credits for images : http://www.apakabardunia.com/2013/12/ini-cara-kami-hancurkan-soekarno.html,

Rabu, 02 November 2016

My Favorite Place

My favoriate place? Don't ask me. No doubt. The red Carpet. NO!!! just kidding. why would i want to. the best place for me is... my country. 
Indonesia. Didn't know? then... do you know Bali? bet you do. Bali is part of Indonesia. Other than bali, there is other places than Bali in Indonesia. There is Jakarta. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. Since it is the capital, it has a lot of attractions. one of them is monas. the rest is secret. discover the 

rest. Ta~!